A Bad Gnome’s Guide to Beard Care: Balm, Beer, and Battling Tangles


Listen up, youngsters! It’s time for me to share some wisdom on how to keep your beard in tip-top shape, the old gnome way. Believe it or not, a well-groomed beard is something I take great pride in, even though I’m a cantankerous old soul and I hate battling those tangles. I’ve learned that beard balm and a little beer are the secrets to a lustrous and well-maintained beard, and I’m going to tell you all about it. So, grab a seat, and prepare to learn the art of beard care. Crack a beer if you have one. Even better, crack two and hand me one ’cause I’m thirsty and love free beer.

I. The Magic of Beard Balm: A Gnome’s Best Friend

Every day, without fail, I use a good-quality beard balm to keep my beard looking its best. It’s not just for show, either; it helps keep my beard soft, moisturized, and tangle-free. Sure, I may grumble about it, but the truth is, I’d be lost without my trusty beard balm.

Beard Balms
Beard Balms

Here’s what it does:

  • Moisturizes and softens the beard, making it more manageable and less itchy.
  • Provides a light hold, keeping those pesky stray hairs in check.
  • Gives the beard a healthy shine, so you can strut around with pride.

II. The Beard and the Beer: A Love-Hate Relationship

Now, I love a good beer as much as the next gnome, but let me tell you, it can cause some issues when it comes to beard care. After a few too many drinks, my beard tends to get in the way, soaking up the frothy brew like a sponge.

But believe it or not, this occasional beer-soaked disaster can actually benefit my beard. Beer contains nutrients like B vitamins, proteins, and minerals that can help condition and nourish those beard follicles. So, while it may be a bit messy, your beard will thank you for the occasional beer bath.

III. Exfoliation and Face Soap: The Foundations of Beard Care

Before you even think about applying beard balm, you’ve got to lay the groundwork with proper exfoliation and cleansing. It may seem like a hassle, but it’s crucial for a healthy, happy beard.

Bulldog face soap and scrub
Bulldog face soap and scrub


  • Removes dead skin cells and debris, which can clog pores and cause itchiness.
  • Stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting healthier beard growth.
  • Skip the face soap and try this incredible face scrub by Bulldog

Face Soap

  • Choose a gentle, natural soap that won’t strip your skin of its essential oils.
  • Cleansing your face and beard daily helps remove dirt, grime, and excess oil, which can lead to beard dandruff and other unpleasant issues.


There you have it, young’uns. A Bad Gnome’s guide to beard care. With the help of beard balm, the occasional beer-soaked mishap, and a solid foundation of exfoliation and cleansing, your beard will be the envy of all your gnome friends. So, go forth and spread the wisdom. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll all be a little less grumpy with our magnificent beards.

Carry on and smile even if it hurts,

Bad A. Gnome (with a BAD A*S beard)

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