A Morning Walkabout with Bad Gnome: Garden Delights and Beer Credits

Greetings, dear friends and fellow green thumbs! It’s your favorite congenial old gnome, Bad Gnome, back with another tale from my magical garden. This morning, I ventured on what we like to call a “walkabout” here at Bad Gnome Gardening. So, grab your watering can and join me as I share the delights of my garden stroll while preparing for an afternoon drinking up my beer credits.

Garden Delights: Radishes

My day began with a close inspection of the radishes. They’re growing strong and vibrant, a true testament to the loving care we gnomes provide. I snapped a few pictures, for memories and bragging rights, of course.

Radishes Turnips and Strawberry Plants in Delta Bed
Radishes Turnips and Strawberry Plants in Delta Bed

Next up, the potatoes! Oh, how I adore potatoes. The newly planted potato cutting in Alpha Bed is looking mighty fine, and the two plants in a large container next to Charlie Bed are flourishing just as well. My gnome heart swelled with pride on this walkabout.

Then, I moseyed on over to Bravo Bed to check on the turnips. The transplants are doing surprisingly well, considering they were haphazardly jammed into their holes by the hired help. But hey, we gnomes are nothing if not resilient! Onward to the peas, lettuce, herbs, and asparagus – I made sure to take more pics for you all to enjoy.

The Highlight of the Walkabout

But the real highlight of my walkabout this morning was stumbling upon some lovely tiny apples growing on the granny smith apple tree next to the rain garden. Oh, how gnomes like me adore tart granny smith apples, especially when paired with peanut butter! It’s a match made in gnome heaven, I tell you. What a garden delight!

Granny Smith Apples
Granny Smith Apples

Beer Credits are Better Than Cryptocurrency

As I wrap up this delightful garden tour this morning, I must mention that I get paid in beer credits for these posts. That’s right, friends – this gnome’s got five more posts to write before he can quench his thirst. And believe me, gnomes get really thirsty sometimes.

So stay tuned for more adventures from Bad Gnome Gardening, check out our walkabout video on our BGG YouTube channel, and remember to tend to your own garden with love and care. Until next time, may your plants grow strong and your beer flow freely!

I’m glad I could share this morning walkabout post with you and images of our garden delights.

Yours in gnome-ly goodness,
Bad Gnome

3 comments on “A Morning Walkabout with Bad Gnome: Garden Delights and Beer Credits

[…] I’ll tell you about radicchio, but only if you bring me a drink. I’m down to my last Gnome stout, and I’m thirstier than a sunbaked […]

[…] well, I might score a bonus for mentioning it in this post. And who wouldn’t want two beer credits for just one easy peasy post? Anyway, the grass is doing splendidly, and you should check out the […]

[…] there you have it! My Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso is the perfect way to start any grumpy gnome’s day. With the rich, full flavor of the espresso complemented by the silky smoothness of the Kerrygold […]

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