Black Snake Moan (not really) AKA I Hate Snakes

The front lawn was in the need of a mowin’ so I headed down to the crawl space to grab the trusty Husqvarna. As I am unlocking the paddy, I feel like something is watching me and lo and behold two beady eyes perched on a tiny head are staring right at me. Was that a black snake??

Slowly I duck down to see if it’s what I think it is. Then I see a thin black tail sticking out from the other side of the three foot door. Yep. A black snake also known as an RBS (Rat Bastard Snake) around these parts.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN. Fortunately black snakes are not prone to striking however look at one sideways and they will give you a nice nip. Me and Indy both don’t like snakes. Honestly I know these creatures are wonderful to have in the gardens but I-don’t-like-snakes. Didn’t I mention that already?

Using our bush rake in my right hand, I spend the next 5 minutes keeping the 4 foot black snake from going further into the crawl space while using my left to drag stuff out of the way. Finally I was able to gently coax it out while it coiled up and rattled its tail. Yes like a rattlesnake. Long black bastard, get the hell outta our crawlspace.

A short trip to the fence courtesy of my handy rake and it was soon on its way out of our yard.

Oh look I wrote another post and you know what that means. Time. For. A. Beer.

Yours sometimes,

Bad A. Gnome

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