Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso: This Gnome Likes His Coffee Black and Buttery

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Bad Gnome’s Title: Grumpy Gnome’s Morning Ritual: Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso

Hello, fellow grumpy gnomes and curious onlookers! Bad Gnome here. There’s nothing quite like a cup of joe to get me going in the morning before my daily walkabout. These days, I enjoy my coffee black and buttery. You heard that right – black and buttery! I’ve got a recipe I call Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso that’s sure to put a spring in your step (or at least make you less grumpy).

Gnomish Espresso

First things first, let’s talk about my coffee routine. I grind my beans fresh every morning – not bones, mind you, because that’s something those clumsy giants do. I use my trusty espresso maker to brew a robust cup that helps me shake off the morning grumpiness.

Bad Gnome In A Coffee Shop
Bad Gnome In A Coffee Shop

Without further ado, here’s the recipe for my Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso:

Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso


  • 16 oz of hot, fresh-brewed espresso (with a nice thick crema)
  • 1 tablespoon of Kerrygold Grassfed butter


  1. Brew your espresso. For best results, use freshly ground coffee beans and a high-quality espresso maker. Aim for 16 oz of hot, fresh-brewed espresso with a nice thick crema.
  2. Carefully place the Kerrygold Grassfed butter in your mug. Be gentle – this is no time for gnome rage! Use a spoon to scoop the butter into your mug, ensuring you don’t make a mess.
  3. Now, the trickiest part: stirring. You want to briskly stir the butter into your espresso without disturbing the delicate crema on top. This requires a bit of finesse, so take your time and be patient. Stir until the butter is fully incorporated and your espresso is smooth and creamy.
  4. Take a moment to appreciate your creation. Admire the rich, buttery goodness that now graces your mug. Then, sit back, sip, and enjoy your Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso.

And there you have it! My Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso is the perfect way to start any grumpy gnome’s day. With the rich, full flavor of the espresso complemented by the silky smoothness of the Kerrygold butter, you’ll find yourself transformed into a (slightly) less grumpy version of your gnome self. Now go forth and conquer the day – or at least, go for that walkabout with a bit more pep in your step!

Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso
Bullet-Proof Gnomish Espresso

My engine is revvvvvved, is yours?

Bad Gnomeeeeeeee! Out!

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