Trapped in a Forest of Bamboo: Our Raised Bed Gardens

Above are a few shots of our raised bed gardens here at BGG. We are pretty militant around here so we named them after one of the military alphabets – Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot. Hopefully you get the idea. Currently we have 6 beds with Golf being the latest which we will highlight in another post. You might notice the GSP in the shots, we call her Katie and she helps keep pests out of our gardens like chipmunks and squirrels.

Here’s what this area looked like before we laid down our raised beds:

Yes that is a bamboo grove that is sitting in the middle of four 120 foot pine trees. We quickly took those pesky pines down before they could fall on us and went to work on the grove with an arsenal of chainsaws, stump grinders, yard torches, and a ton of black plastic.

Trapped in a Forest of Bamboo

During this process several times, I found myself quite literally trapped in a forest of bamboo. Aside from my Husqvarna chainsaw, my second favorite weapon used in the war on bamboo was a small gnomish pick axe also known as a cutter mattock to some. The whole affair was an effort in insanity but it paid dividends. Nearly a year later we had reclaimed nearly a third of the backyard. And then the raised bed gardens were born (rather constructed from ad-hoc plans). Shortly after the head broke off the mattock so I replaced it with a new one with a fiberglass handle.

Our Raised Bed Gardens

The entire experience was educational, however, I hope to never have to take down another bamboo grove ever again. One day I will do another post on the clumping bamboo that lives on the other side of the property.

Unfortunately I need to get back outside and toil in the raised bed gardens for a bit. Someone has to do the planting and grounds keeping around here. Hopefully you enjoyed my post.

Begrudgingly Yours,

Bad Gnöme

9 comments on “Trapped in a Forest of Bamboo: Our Raised Bed Gardens

[…] blog posts this morning but I had to run outside a few minutes ago to chase a critter out of our raised beds again because they are not squirrel-proof. The dog was late to work again but she took over guard […]

[…] fact, we dug one right upstream so to speak from our raised beds. This allows the water to be trapped and filtered rather than washing away the mulch around the […]

[…] and Indy both don’t like snakes. Honestly I know these creatures are wonderful to have in the gardens but I-don’t-like-snakes. Didn’t I mention that […]

[…] introduce you to Bad Gnome Gardening. We are a small clan of home gardeners that are in love with raised bed gardens. Since it’s Spring we are extremely busy preparing everything for planting and have already […]

[…] you won’t have to break your back bending over to tend to your plants. That’s right – raised beds elevate the garden, making it easier to work with your plants without putting as much strain on […]

[…] he made his way through the backyard, and past the raised beds, Bad Gnome started to feel hopeful. He knew that he was going to make it back to his house and that […]

[…] apple trees we’ve planted in our home garden are totally complimenting our raised bed gardens as they bring pollinators into our […]

[…] up, the potatoes! Oh, how I adore potatoes. The newly planted potato cutting in Alpha Bed is looking mighty fine, and the two plants in a large container next to Charlie Bed are flourishing […]

[…] his seasoned gardening side-kick, Shawn, will be sharing a cynical guide on transplanting herbs in raised bed gardens. They’ll be discussing four fantastic herbs – purple basil, large Italian parsley, […]

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