Walkabout Episode 3: Apples, Strawberries, and Grass Make Spring Wonderful

Bad Gnome’s Title: A Grumpy Gnome’s Love Affair with Spring: The Daily Walkabout Chronicles

Ah, Spring! The season that even the grumpiest of gnomes can’t help but fall in love with. This morning I’m officially logging our walkabout here at BGG which is cleverly disguised as a blog post. The air is crisp but pleasant, and it’s the perfect time to inspect the gardens at Bad Gnome Gardening. Now, before you get all mushy on me, let me tell you that I, Bad Gnome, am not one to get all sentimental about things. But there’s something about Spring that just brings a twinkle to my otherwise grumpy eyes. Apples, strawberries, and grass make Spring wonderful, don’t they?

After downing my strong bullet-proof gnomish espresso (because, let’s face it, we gnomes need our caffeine too), I set out on my daily walkabout. Every morning, I meticulously inspect every inch of the gardens, from the raised beds to the swale. Today, I’m delighted to report that our radishes and turnips in the Bravo bed are coming along nicely. And, let me tell you, the kale and onions are making this gnome’s heart sing!

Oh and I am also delighted to report that our strawberry plants are doing well particularly the ones in Delta bed. These plants have been a highlight of this gnome’s Spring and are wonderful to have in the garden. One already has a bloom and seems very happy. We are supposed to pull off any and all blooms but you know I want to leave at least one.

Strawberry Plants Growing in Delta Bed
Strawberry Plants Growing in Delta Bed

The real showstopper, though? Our Granny Smith apple tree. I swear, I’ve never seen a dozen tiny apples look so tantalizingly delicious. You better believe I snapped some photos of these beauties! I’m hoping our editor approves the pics so you all can see just how great they look. If not, well, let’s just say there might be a gnome tantrum on the horizon.

Now, I’ve got to mention the grass growing near the swale, because, well, I might score a bonus for mentioning it in this post. And who wouldn’t want two beer credits for just one easy peasy post? Anyway, the grass is doing splendidly, and you should check out the YouTube video for a closer look at our swale situation.

Kentucky 31 Grass Growing Near the Swale
Kentucky 31 Grass Growing Near the Swale

Speaking of YouTube, be sure to visit the Bad Gnome Gardening Channel at youtube.com/@badgnomegardening. You’ll find all sorts of gnome-approved gardening tips, tricks, and the occasional gnome rant (because, let’s face it, we all need to let off steam sometimes).

So, there you have it. Even a grumpy gnome like me can find joy in the beauty of Spring. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some more walkabout duties to attend to. And remember, folks, stay grumpy, but always appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

Yours grumpily and highly caffeinated,
Bad Gnome

One comment on “Walkabout Episode 3: Apples, Strawberries, and Grass Make Spring Wonderful

[…] here. There’s nothing quite like a cup of joe to get me going in the morning before my daily walkabout. These days, I enjoy my coffee black and buttery. You heard that right – black and buttery! […]

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