Welcome to the Bad Gnome Gardening Experience

Allow me to introduce you to Bad Gnome Gardening. We are a small clan of home gardeners that are in love with raised bed gardens. Since it’s Spring we are extremely busy preparing everything for planting and have already started things appropriate for Zone 7A. Once things settle down, we will be releasing tons of information via our blog posts, mostly anecdotal, sometimes serious, and hopefully entertaining.

Bad Gnome Enjoying a Cold Beer
Bad Gnome Enjoying a Cold Beer

We will be producing content on raised bed gardening, what grows best in Zone 7A, our favorite successes and failures (we believe in failing fast and recovering quickly), weather, pests, beer, blackberries, blueberries, ditches, beer, swales, rain gardens, snakes, food, and anything that Bad Gnome wants to blog about.

Be aware that you will encounter affiliate links throughout the site so don’t be alarmed, we genuinely try every product we sponsor.

If you are wanting to see a particular topic covered, we take requests! Please visit our contact page to drop us a hint. Also be sure to check out the Bad Gnome Gardening Channel on YouTube.

We are so glad you decided to stop by and read our blog posts on gardening topics. Hopefully you find something that can make your gardening efforts fruitful.

On behalf of Bad Gnome and the rest of Bad Gnome Gardening, thanks for your kind attention. Please leave your comments, suggestions, or concerns in the comments section.


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