Charting the Unknown or Forgotten: Raised Beds in Zone 7A

Once again Spring has arrived and it’s time for me to turnover the raised beds and prepare for another growing season. This year I decided to finally document the answers to what and when should I start things that we like to grow in raised beds in Zone 7A.

Bad Gnome Updating His Firmware
Bad Gnome Updating His Firmware

What and When Should I Start Seed In My Raised Beds in Zone 7A?

Here is a table that contains the information for commonly grown vegetables, lettuces, kale, herbs, corn, okra, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and beans for Zone 7A:

NameTime to start seed indoors/outdoorsTime to germinateTime to harvest
LettucesIndoor: Feb-Mar; Outdoor: Mar-Apr7-14 daysApr-May
KaleIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: Apr-May5-7 daysMay-Jun
HerbsIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: Apr-May5-10 daysJun-Aug
CornOutdoor: May-Jun7-10 daysAug-Sep
OkraIndoor: Apr-May; Outdoor: May-Jun7-14 daysAug-Sep
TomatoesIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: May-Jun7-14 daysAug-Sep
PeppersIndoor: Feb-Mar; Outdoor: May-Jun14-21 daysAug-Sep
EggplantIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: May-Jun7-14 daysAug-Sep
BeansOutdoor: May-Jun6-10 daysAug-Sep
PotatoesIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: Apr-May14-21 daysJul-Sep
OnionsIndoor: Feb-Mar; Outdoor: Mar-Apr7-14 daysAug-Sep
AsparagusOutdoor: Apr-May21-28 daysApr-Jun
BasilIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: Apr-May5-10 daysJun-Sep
CilantroIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: Apr-May7-14 daysJun-Jul
ParsleyIndoor: Mar-Apr; Outdoor: Apr-May14-21 daysJul-Aug
PeasOutdoor: Mar-Apr7-14 daysMay-Jun
Zone 7A What and When Chart

Just so you know these times may vary depending on specific growing conditions and practices, so it’s always a good idea to consult a gardening guide or expert for more detailed information. Don’t come crying to me if your thumbs aren’t as green as mine. Remember I’m a GNOME. Your local agriculture agency is typically a good choice but your mileage will most likely vary.

Personally I’d rather keep this table in my personal hand-written journal but someone wanted me to share it here. I’m sure you are thanking me for the handy information, however, don’t because I’m only doing for beer. You have to understand that I was promised a beer for each post I author. Me, me, me.

Were the Squash, Corn, and Beans Forgotten?

No, they are in a different table. In the next post that I’ll be forced to write, I will provide another zone 7A chart that will focus on summer and winter squash which we will be co-planting with corn and beans this year in our newest raised bed. Yes, that would be the Three-Sisters, if you were wondering.

Well have fun toiling in your garden because someone needs to have fun around here…

Bad Gnomé

One comment on “Charting the Unknown or Forgotten: Raised Beds in Zone 7A

[…] Compost tea is a liquid fertilizer that is made by steeping compost in water. During the steeping process, the beneficial microbes found in the compost multiply and create a nutrient-rich solution that can be used to feed plants. Here at BGG, we like to side dress our vegetable plants with this stuff. It’s totally compatible with raised bed gardens. […]

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